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Route 66 & Newberry Springs

Newberry Springs is a community uniquely influenced by the history of Route 66 with many stories of the past still visible today.

Early travelers on Route 66 (and previously, the National Old Trails Road) found that Newberry Springs had a reliable and plentiful supply of water, a commodity very valuable in the desert. For those traveling westbound from Arizona, Newberry Springs was reached after crossing a vast stretch of the Mojave Desert with scarce water. Before the days of hotels and cafés, many travelers stayed a few days in Newberry Springs to recuperate after enduring the desert crossing.

As more people began using Route 66 to immigrate west during the Great Depression of the 1930s, businesses popped up that serviced these people. Later, in the 1960s when modern-day I-40 was built, many of those businesses dried up, leaving the remains of the old buildings.

In Newberry Springs today, one can still discover, learn and see what the travelers along Route 66 left behind many decades ago. Learn how you can go see what still remains: